All posts by Matt Tonn


Great News! The LPSC will officially begin our shortened season next week, on Wednesday, June 3rd! The plan is to run with a single half season, which is comprised of 10 weeks.
June 3 – Leagues begin
August 5 – Leagues end
August 12 – Shoot-off night
Since July 4th lands on a Saturday this year, we will be open and shooting on July 1st.
If anyone wants to limit the time at our club, we suggest shooting twice within 1 week. We are also asking to limit the amount of people inside of the clubhouse.
We will be open tonight, May 27th, for practice shooting. This will allow those of you who need to blast the rust out of your barrels some time to get ready before we begin next week.
Handicap League:
Classes will be determined based on previous experience and number of teams shooting this year. All teams will need to post a score for each week so handicap yardage can be calculated.
Lewis Classes:
16yd Lewis Class: 200 targets (this has changed from in years past to help accommodate a shortened season)
16yd Youth Lewis Class: 200 targets
27yd Lewis Class: 200 targets (if enough participants)
16yd Doubles Lewis Class: 4 rounds of 25 pair[200 targets] (if enough participants)
Our 2020 COVID-19 Safety Plan will be posted at the club, and can also be found on our website. Please practice safe social distancing when possible.
We are always looking for ideas on how to improve safety measures and operations at our club. Please feel free to let us know if you see something that we could be doing better!

Wednesday Practice Shooting

This is just a reminder that the LPSC will be open for practice shooting only on Wednesday nights until further notice. We just have a few basic notes to mention:
1) Please practice social distancing whenever possible on the grounds.
2) We have a table set up for payment on the East side of the clubhouse. We are using practice cards for rounds so simply pay for the round and then drop the card in the coffee can located at each trap. We do have shells for sale if needed.
3) There will be no trap help on each trap so scores will not be recorded.
4) Please do not handle any of the equipment on the trap stations. If anything needs to be changed, club personnel will do it for you.
5) Per the Executive Order, we cannot open the clubhouse for any reason which means no restroom facilities. Please plan accordingly.
6) Per the Executive Order, we cannot hold any type of competitive shooting. This means no Handicap League or Lewis Class until the orders have changed.
We hope to see you all soon but continue to stay safe and we will all get through this!

LPSC 2020 Opening Delayed

As ordered by the Governor’s office to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Lester Prairie Sportsmen’s Club will not be able to open as previously scheduled.
As of now, the LPSC still plans to hold our trapshooting season once all of the restrictions have been lifted and the MDH has cleared operations for activities to commence safely at our club. The initial plan is to have a slightly shortened season but we will be able to make more definitive plans as the scope of this pandemic is cleared up.
We will provide more information as we know more but make sure you all do your part to keep yourselves and others around you safe! 

2019 Season

The 2019 trapshooting season is upon us.  Practice night is Wednesday, April 3; League starts Wednesday, April 10.  6:00 – 9:00 pm.

We offer an 18-week, 5-member handicap team league (25 targets/week), a 300-target 16-yard Lewis Class league, and a 200-target youth Lewis league.  We may add a 27-yard Lewis and Doubles leagues if there is enough interest.

The club is also open to the public during the above times for trapshooting practice.

The clubhouse is available for rentals as well.  Great for graduation parties, small weddings, or corporate events.  Come check out our facility, including newly remodeled restrooms.